Ohermat Giza (Egypt) of the oldest of the seven wonders, the tombs of the Pharaohs, built about 2690 BC.
M three pyramids of Shad The first pharaoh Khufu and height 147 meters and the second the pharaoh Khafre and height 136 meters and the third pharaoh Menkaure and height 62 meters, one of the wonders of the remaining seven have been filled with pathways and cemeteries in the day the property of kings, which are invaluable, and buried with them so use them in the other life, they say was looted treasures Alohermat thousands of years ago and continues to the successive discoveries now.
Helios of Rhodes was a huge statues months old, was held in Greece in 280 BC. M on the island of Rhodes and 32 meters above the place became crowded was an earthquake in 227 BC. M bringing the ruins and the statue was made of bronze, iron-fortified
Established Ptolemy II Lighthouse of Alexandria in 280 BC. M, where is the first lighthouse in the world and reached high lighthouse about 120 meters, and was on the island away a bit from the city of Alexandria, the Egyptians were burning every night on top of the lighthouse to warn passing ships, demolished the earthquake of 1375 AD.
When he died Maussollos king of Caria decided Artemis queen Carrie widow to evaluate him and her brother's grave of a huge (Mausoleum Halicarnassus) was co-month architects Greeks in the construction and decoration of the shrine beautiful statues, at the top of the shrine put a statue of the king Maussollos and his wife were sitting in a cart pulled by horses, four, taller 42 meters and holds the British Museum and the city Bourdom in Turkey, some parts of it.
Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Sculpture in Greece in 450 BC. AD was the belief that goodness and divine Enbosan of this colossus of Zeus, God forbid (or the buyer as defined by the Romans), which is the Lord God of the Greeks, this was the statue in the temple of Olympia in Greece , making an example of Phidias and the statue made of ivory and gold, and a height of more than 15 meters, was destroyed by a massive fire and a lasting impact.

Established king of Lydia Temple of Diana Barfssos in 500 BC. M, built this famous temple in Asia Minor, Turkey and burned Yrustrut in 356 BC. M in the night where he was born Alexander the Great and rebuilt in 350 BC. M but was destroyed when the attack Goths in 262 BC . m and its remnants are still preserved in the British Museum as part of the tailings used in building the Church of St. John in Ephesus and St. Sophia in Istanbul, and we know a statue of Diana, who was inside the temple, by the copies to him.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon a group of terraced rock unit after the other, dating back to 600 BC. AD It is said that Nebuchadnezzar is the one who built and above these gardens from the ground between 23 and 92 meters but today no longer have the effect has disappeared, has planted trees and plants and flowers in the layer thick from the soil on each of the stands included rock.
=================((Of course, most of these wonders is over or destroyed the remains of which has not only the pyramids of Giza))=================((Wonders of the other))Taj Mahal, a wonder of modern and worthy of research and study, built by a Muslim man to his wife, Muslim, and is designed to take Islamic Architecture, which influenced everyone on this globe, and now is one of the most famous tourist attractions in India, nor can a visitor to visit India without crossing the Abkh.
Tower of Babel, the towering during the Babylonian civilization, which is an extension of the first civilization known to mankind, as talk of many scientists, it is the Sumerian civilization, where people know one language, and words were few and not complex, that is what is going on in their minds do not say perfect, because they do not know how to express it, that these people built a great tower as if they know that time will come one day boast of the city towers, How strange! A. In that time, the towers exist?! What if the tower was tall steadfast to this day?! What shall we say?!
Temple of Abu Simbel, the great temple of Abu Simbel, which dates back to Ramses II, decorated, and fronted by four colossal statues of the Pharaoh the Great himself, as well as the legend tells that this temple to Hawwars monk, where he was a Tauivath and links to it, with a high statue, one of about 20 meters, but the interface it is a width of 35 meters and 30 meters height, and the image can see the king is accompanied by some of his wives and his sons, is also an oddity and wonders Simbel temple or that the sun enters beam twice per year, specifically on February 20 and October 20.
Great Wall of China, a masterpiece of time and the world and mankind, he Great Wall of China, which is said that Gog and Magog are buried beneath it, and they Sikhrjan of them, but rumors abounded about this edifice, well worth seeing.
Rings rocks, it is where the most unusual in the world, a person can not see it without showing his admiration for what she had seen the same, it is a set of rings rock giant, which date back to the second millennium BC, and there are these rings on a plain Salisbury empty, which take the form of the Center and the peaks of the horse shoe.
Leaning Tower of Pisa, located in Italy, one wonders, but not seven, but wonders of modern numbering up to 50 teachers on the face of the globe, designed by Italian architect Bonanno Pizzato, and a height of 550 meters has been laying the foundation stone to him in 1173 AD and remained with the Italian architect until the year 1185, and when the building to the third floor noted that the tower is slightly tilted, he fled for fear of its occurrence has been the tower on this case for 90 years, until he came to another engineer and worked on completing it, and make the floors fifth, sixth and seventh straight to compensate for the tilt, then came the engineer, third and completed the construction of the eighth floor, so construction of the tower took about two centuries, however, continued to lean, so it is a modern wonders of the world