You see the world from here

Pharaonic Egypt in the week was made up of 10 days.

    Be prepared on the Rights to secrete mucous lining of the new every two weeks otherwise it Sthim itself.

    A type of ant known as «ant killer» because it launched raids into the neighboring colonies of ants, killing and looting their contents Mlkatha then escorted a number of the ants and forces him to work as slaves has!

    24-carat gold is pure gold by 100 percent, but contains a small percentage of copper, so that the pure gold one hundred per cent of the Lena Kasalsal to the extent that it becomes possible to shape hands.

    Maximum speed of the caliber firearm at about 1065 meters per second, equivalent to 3 times the speed of sound.

    50 per cent of Aharabi (Hrbah collection) in the world based in Madagascar.

    In 1894, he was in the United States only 4 cars.

    Any square piece of paper can be folded on itself more than 8 times, no matter how large an area.

    More than 2,500 left-handed people die each year due to incidents they are exposed during the use of machines or devices designed primarily for those who use their right hand.

    Record achieved by the chickens continue to fly so far is 13 seconds.

    Electric chair, which is used in the executions of the invention is a dentist.

    Members only in the human body, which do not depend for growth throughout life are the nose and ears.

    Human stomach contains about 35 million digestive gland.


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