Posted by واحد عربى
Introductions show the results results are delayed for days and months, even years
Of quick results that holds the body of a fiery feel immediately heat .
The results may be delayed by years, raising boys and girls, there are the results of educational mistakes not appear longer years Faed parents fingers of remorse.
And trying to save what can be saved, so the operations of Education be deferred complacency and neglect and delay and experimentation because the mistakes pile up very slowly and the effects appear after a while may appear to Anhar ranked by the Andrickh. To be surprised by the results strongly we feel in our heads, such as beating the drums and then we might here and there in the hopes of saving what can be saved.
Many parents deceiving them glitter false Na whom he Civil and urbanization Fatalegon rein to their sons and daughters, imitate, and imitate and exceed if they heard a voice warning them of bad consequences, they say let them jumping, they are still young should Alandik them now and forget those that what they call out it was the introductions harvest over the results of values after so we have to improve the planting starts reaping so sweet endings.
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Posted by واحد عربى
Garlic vinegar helps reduce high blood pressure
And helps to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood
Has benefits related to the heart and arteries, and can reduce the level of cholesterol and some studies have shown .. Some research has shown that eating garlic vinegar decreased LDL cholesterol by 16% and increased HDL cholesterol level.
Some of the garlic derivatives characterized by their properties of chemical help prevent blood clots.
Working on the pacemaker. And resistant bacteria.
Garlic extracts useful in skin resistance to fungi. A scientific study conducted by three researchers at the Institute of Egyptian Animal Health Research and the Faculty of Science at the University of Assiut, the solution (henna, cumin, garlic solution) a final concentration of 10% gave a chilling effect by between 58% to 100% for the treatment of skin fungi.
Taken regularly and in reasonable quantity helps to prevent cancer
Used in the treatment of colds and alleviate the symptoms,
It is protective of arthritis ate fat and garlic oil, which is useful in the case of neurological disorders. Has also been used in pain relief bronchitis
Housing for dental pain:
Itagrger vinegar, garlic, and be a little patient with the patient quickly lost completely pain, God willing.
Garlic vinegar fight some cancers
A survey conducted by a team of scientists at the University of North Carr and Inna in the United States that people who eat garlic, vinegar, or cooked cutting back on natural infection of cancer by fifty percent, and reduces the incidence of garlic colorectal cancer by up to 67 per cent ..
Way the garlic vinegar
200 mm of the original natural apple cider vinegar, is added to 200 grams of garlic, peeled and mashed
Placed in the refrigerator for ten days in a glass jar or plastic airtight dark color, and leaves a vacuum in the air
(Between the cover and vinegar by 4-5 cm), and are not open during the ten days.
Drain the vinegar on the tenth day and then returned to the refrigerator for two days, so be ready for use.
Garlic Vinegar Weight Loss, Weight Loss, slimming, diet, and the magic recipe
Date of prescription and use
I discovered this recipe for ALECSO Committee of the United Nations in the area Aosep exactly in 1972.
This recipe has been translated into all languages of the world, dating back to 4000 / 5000 BC.
Benefits and how to use:
1 - melt this recipe all kinds of spilled fats and cholesterol, and improves the body's metabolism process also increases the flexibility of arteries and veins, and thus protect against the following diseases:
A - high blood pressure
B - myocardial infarction (stroke).
T - thickness of the textile fibers Alamadm example, arteries, liver and intestines of internal secretion in the central nervous system.
2 - improve eyesight and vision disturbances on the cover.
3 - When the prescription is renewed commitment to these young cells of the body (God willing) by a few years.
4 - Do not allow re-use only after five years.
Use table
Day before breakfast - before lunch - before dinner - full score
The first day 1 point 2 points 3 points, 6 points
The second day 4 points 5 points 6 points, 15 points
The third day, 7 points 8 points 9 points 24 points
The fourth day 10 points 11 points 12 points 23 points
The fifth day 13 points 14 points 15 points 42 points
The sixth day 16 points 13 points 13 points 42 points
The seventh day 12 points 11 points 13 points 36 points
The eighth day 9 points 8 points 7 points, 24 points
The ninth day 6 points 5 points 4 points, 15 points
The tenth day 3 points 2 points 1 points, 6 points
Today atheist tenth with 15 points 25 points 25 points 65 points
Twelfth day 25 points 25 points 25 points 75 points
- The remainder of the amount of vinegar taken in equal installments after the twelfth day, taken (25) points before breakfast until the end of the quantity.
- Points taken with fifty grams of milk or water
- This recipe helps to reduce weight, and make sure that through our experiences
The role of garlic
In what could be described as the restoration of the role of garlic in the treatment of pressure, an Australian study conducted at the University of Adelaide, published in the journal Maturitas scientific secret weapon that garlic in controlling blood pressure.
In the experiment lasted 12 weeks and included 50 patients took four capsules per day of supplement called (garlic extract long-life) record their blood pressure around 10 mm Hg less than another group of patients given a placebo ' placebo '.
Said lead researcher Reid: 'The garlic, which is dealt with in any other form, whether raw or fresh or in powder form did not have the same effect, and when you cook the garlic, the article is responsible for lowering blood pressure disappear'.
And went on to say: 'I think that the most important point is that the garlic extract, a long life as a dietary supplement is the secret weapon of the blood pressure'.
It is believed that garlic is good for the heart and promote the centuries practitioners of traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India the benefits of garlic as a protective substances of high blood pressure.
But Reid said that search is the first to assess the effect of garlic extract long-lived, adding that he was assessed an additional treatment to extract other drugs in the treatment of high blood pressure.

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Posted by واحد عربى
Says one of the doctors in Kuwait:
This treatment whenever she called for a diabetic its results came to me wonderful good
Is - Paper Olive Tree
The way it works is very simple is to boil the amount of olive leaves as dictated KFIC Monday wash him with water to rid it of dust and then Nglah Beltroncef water to boil and stir the water when boiled (3) minutes and then leave it cool down and his candidacy and take the dropper (water only) and fill in the bottle, not Plastic and put it in the fridge and drink
Him a cup of coffee or a large Arab cup of tea.
How to use it:
Drink from a cup before breakfast and before lunch and before dinner means (3) times daily with the suspension of all types of medicines and treatments, diabetes, monitor glucose analysis during the first day, second and third
And then decide whether to continue or not???
For the selection of securities should be good to take one of them and chew, then, is pungent and it is a good time and be useful.
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Posted by واحد عربى
There are a lot of things that should be understood properly when dealing with the Americans and the following are some examples: -
When you stop you by the traffic police during the driving of the car you should have to wait in the car until the traffic police come to talk with you personally. You out of the car at the moment gives the impression of military traffic that you want to escape or attack by brandishing the weapon, which would make him towards you. It is also necessary when talking with the traffic police to avoid sudden movements and to place the hands on the steering wheel in order to be able Mshahdthma military traffic during the interview with you.
There are some habits that we do when speaking normally, but care should be taken to understand how the circulation by the Americans in general so as not to send the wrong message to those who talk with them, for example, raise the tone of voice or beating on the table when it comes to index of anger at the Americans and that Americans generally do not love the touch during the attraction of different conversations.
Some Americans are dogs or animals they keep at home part of their family and therefore we recommend
Who does not love dealing with dogs that says that he has an allergy to dogs and dog owner will understand
You do not want to deal with the dog or other pet has.
Habits of Americans when it comes to the issue, even with strangers smile and ask about the circumstances and the habit is only a social courtesy only and should not be takenAs a desire to hold a relationship or friendship of any such. Pay attention to this point
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Posted by واحد عربى
Pygmies live in both forest and Boguendo Omsaeki in Central Africa it is very difficult counted or counted because of their movements within the continuous forest and most of the homes built of straw of whom also live in western Uganda on the border with the state of forests in the Congo ... (in a joke Icolkm in dwarf Evaht Why?. Baldrickson related to it). After 700 kilometers from the capital Kampala.
* Religion:
Dwarves believe that God is embodied in the jungle and that his spirit therein, and therefore their lives were associated with, they live day and night and not afraid of animals Muftrshola fear snakes, but they say that the snake when you see them take over the run (Badhirhen and God)In general, most Fan and the pagans, and only few of them are converted to * their social life:Strange in the lives of dwarfs that women have a significant impact on the lives of men, women represent the backbone of their social life is the one who command and forbid, and is often its own hands and is married to a man and you choose as they help him catch onto the tops of trees to harvest honey and harvest fruits of the task of women (and Khosh .. Imagine your mother
is climbing the tree. Ashan harvested apples ... Haha) * Marriage:
Style of marriage they have required that the presence of the groom and the bride's family hunt large animals such as elephant and then extradite him to the bride's family (dowry urethrae O) and this is a test of the extent of his bravery and his skill in hunting and his ability to climb treesAnd when he climbs the tree to harvest honey everyone is beneath especially the bride that you take honey Fan ate it, it means that they have accepted him as a husband and to her family only to bless the marriage and if it does not means non-acceptance and usually offers the groom animal skin which Astadeh and number of brackets dowry to the bride.
And upon approval, meet and dance to the beat of drums and St woods and drink alcohol (Mswin creep, I mean). .
* Birth
When you feel women dwarfs Palm birth, one of them gives birth alone in the forest without the help of one and often death occurs during that resulting from the loss of the mother and her newborn, and in some cases require women to help from one of her sisters in the case of obstructed labor are used knife traditionally made of wood has several names (Gara, Yazoo, Atabou) to have surgery .. (good Masadt glorified God) ..
* Circumcision:
This process is very important they have any understanding of the child are considered associate them unless they are circumcised .........
The process of circumcision usually husk flakes of trees acute and usually are not taken to circumcision of the child at home, but they are collecting a number of children circumcised in a shack in the woods for three or four days (curse Abu torture) away from their parents are not allowed to visit them all in that period, but they leave with them a man of great to look after them and after recovery and the men of the tribe comes with wine and drums to celebrate this little Negro who has become one of them .........
* Bury the dead:
On the death of someone digging a hole Evrashwnha grass and then put the dead wood first, then Fagtonh earth and have no particular direction at a funeral to bury the dead, but in any direction (Praise be to Allah who honored us by the grace of Islam) ... and habits of pygmies who live in Uganda, they are not buried you can but they leave at the cottage in which he lived and then they leave on the condition that it died after a request from Jane the new place to keep them with leaves and then move to live elsewhere.
* The life and brutal:
And because they are still primitive in their lives, we find that some of them flee when the people saw the verge.
And they have divided the year into three or four seasons: the season of worms (p p p), fishing season, season, honey, fruit picking season.
The dwarf does not know the age or age children understand the illiterate can not read or write and eat meat often so it does not settle in one place ......* Clothes:They Estrun nakedness with leaves of trees often do not wear clothes unless someone wants to visit his master in the village .. (2011 ).... Fashion
* Home:
Dwarfs the small houses built of leaves and the size of the house often m × m and half a meter in length and not more than one meter.
And have no designs in the construction process but are randomly ..........* The Role of Islam:
A significant number of Muslims among the dwarfs, but their role is weak, but they need themselves to the missionary activities ......
<<Turkana tribe>>
(Living in the land can not stay in one)
Live the sons of the Turkana tribe in northern Kenya and a few of them in southern Sudan and eastern Uganda, and of living makes it harder than others are to their dispute on their own land and Mraahm and good luck, because access to their land elusive ....* Habits:
In the past, widespread disease, hardening of the jaw in the region and it was impossible for the patient to eat or drink, and remain that way until he dies, heirs to the process of breaking teeth, which is still continuing now. (Khosh and God )....
Turkana lot of spit in the ground before he started to speak, or when someone wants to give importance to his words .. (hah imagine, a father talks to you and you spit innervated land Osh Bisoa you .... hah) ..
May not cut their hair .....
It is their habits that give women the child born to her mother to raise him (on the mother denied her real soil)
* Women in their lives:
Women play a big role in their lives that they build their own hut, and if the family is composed of several wives, the first hut on the right to adopt the fold of cattle and they live the rest of the wives to the left of the site and all women participate in building the barn ...
A feature of these huts are open-sided it does not provide protection from weather and shrubs and not her husband's privacy and sleep outside, wife and children inside. (Imagine your father sleeps on the street and you and your brothers and your mother inside Owool) ...One manifestation of convergence on the Turkana themselves that they see strangers and guests of no confidence and respect, including the guest could spend a whole day without a word of welcome that has one or even a look of respect ...
Despite their extreme poverty, but they are feeling the heat to provide them with assistance to the extent that they sometimes reject the offer and thank them ....
* Marriage:
Of marriage customs in Turkana that the mother is a doll that choose to consult with the father of her son and his daughter in marriage, therefore, has the right to force her and force her to marry her, if not inevitable but was unwilling to escape or commit suicide ...
The engagement is the way they have a conversation between the symbolic and the rich boy's
father and the father of the girl .. the first in which he says to the second:
'''I want to borrow Thork Verde and the girl's father said, still a small bull'''It is intended to give room for the girl's family in order to take its decision. (Imagine one approach Bejtab by your sister and tells Ibga Thorkm Osh Btsoe it hah) ..
Upon preliminary approval comes the boy's father of the bride and give him a fat Tessa and his companions and is decorated with mud and ostrich shells. (Azvonhm the ostrich ... Tat Tat Straits streets .. and lower ... African hype).
* Call the center of the Turkana:
There was no activity, including Islamic and advocates in their midst.But the Catholic Church started to work since the sixties of the last century and built churches in the region<<Samburu tribe>>
(Tribe living in the most land a drought)
Samburu believe that they came from a place they call (Baghae) in the north and that they migrated from there because of drought and settled in southern Sudan and surprised the current stability in their place is a desert area that rarely dry herbs are grown ..
* Religion:
Samburu believe in one God dwells in heaven or in the north or the trees, and this God is capable of everything and sees everything .. and Samburu angry if someone tries to be like a god man .. (not the God of no God and Mohammed is the Messenger of God) ...
* Islamic Call:
Islamic Action completely absent only one or two of the chapel built by Somali traders of straw .....Samburu Alaqranin offers at certain times of the year to their god as being slaughtered goats and sheep do not eat from each either Aqranin Thank God they are usually black sheep fat and blood mixed with manure .....
* Marriage:
Are not married at the Samburu of no in the beginning of the month the Arab and the dowry they have two pieces of goatskin and Qirtan of copper and made her slippers sheep also offers the gifts of the calves to the father of the bride and her brother and the biggest uncles On the night of the wedding pours milk on her head and face (what you Maalikm this Macaiajhm Ashan become white) and ends with the celebration of the couple between the two rows of older people who are calling for the sustenance and boys ...
And is committed to married women have shaved her hair for her and be responsible for fetching water and firewood, even if it required to walk long hours to reach the place and do not cover their breasts normally Samburu women (no comment), but that the impact of modern civilization imposed on some of them wear a piece of cloth ..
* Death:
Samburu is not buried the dead, but usually leave it over the skin, which had slept on it and then abandon the hut saying (from single) or older Violon their faces to the Holy Mountain .........<<Alboran tribe>>
(Believe in God (and AQA), who created the earth in 27 days)Tribe, one of the Alboran Alourmu tribes, the number of its members nearly three million people, distributed between the states of Ethiopia and Kenya ....
* Customs and traditions:
Alboran pagans and their habits and ignorance of most people who are adherent to their customs and traditions have remained the now adhere to the city did not affect them.
Says one of the myths that the God who they call _ and Aqa _ when he died to create first lake water because it is the origin of life and then created the world and then the celestial bodies like the sun and the moon and the stars and the creation of man and the five members of the head, hands and legs in each hand five fingers, as well as the two men in each man five fingers in the head seven _ Members of the tongue, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth _ and thus a total of twenty-seven days, any number created by God .. (God created the heavens and the earth in seven days).
* Eldest son
Called the Alboran always boy virgin - Buran - and comes after - the dust - or - dusty - and boy virgin respected always considered members of the tribe people, sanctified by God the Creator, one of the inherit everything left by his father and the mother's womb and becomes a leader of the family are able to bless others, or curse them .. (the curse Kiffa).
It also features a boy virgin wacky special hair .. and refrain from certain types of food and deprived himself to sit in certain situations .......
* Islamic activism:
Can be said that Islamic activism in the region is not as it should.<<Almulu tribe>>
(Still wearing animal skins and hunting fish with spears)
Almulu tribe living in northern Kenya and the region in which they live is difficult and repulsive and devoid of paved roads and very little rain, agriculture, non-existent ...
The people still living in huts of straw and dressed in leather and interested in their women, particularly Decorative Beads ...
* Fishing:
Fishing is the main occupation is fishing and they have a hippo and a big event is the meal of meat and the rich and the wise men of them.
* Celebrations:
Almulu celebrated every three years the memory of their ancestors, they do not clap their hands at all, but using Asoan Adharbonhma each other instead of applause ..Then cut some young adults in different parts of the body to shed the blood of them as if they were forcing them to go out to hunt hippo.
And when you watch a team hunting for hippo the fisherman, who was chosen by throwing himself on the animal without fear (shape Sharp Duo) and only Valmushart ready for more of the wounds and post-harvest is a fisherman, who succeeded in his mission a source of pride for the tribe and prevented from eating what he Basidiadeh but allows him to take some heap of bones and attaches to either in his ears or around the neck .. (poor Haha laughed it ).....
* Islam and the Christianization of the tribe:
Their relationship with Islam is very limited and activate the Catholic Church and among them, as well as a number of European missionaries who came to the area, and this church are shipping their employees (the smuggling of African coal) feelings of hatred towards Islam and Muslims ...
However, unfortunately, has not visited any Muslim chaplain there is no call in their midst did not distribute any aid or books ...
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